Our competencies,
your success.
We use in-depth expertise to ensure that every customer achieves his goals. With a competent and dynamic team, in an innovative and digital environment, we support our customers in our core competencies. We always work for the success of our customers: We don't just talk numbers, we talk business!
Our events are FPH accredited. Thank you for your interest in our events and we look forward to your registration.
Corso Finance e Controlling tramite Microsoft Teams (it)
Formazione continua o formazione postgrade in italiano
Microsoft Teams Kurs Finanzen und Controlling (de)
Akkreditiert in Fort- und Weiterbildung auf Deutsch
Cours Finances et Controlling via Microsoft Teams (fr)
formation continue ou formation postgrade en français
«Mon chemin vers une activité indépendante»
Un séminaire pour les pharmaciens (accrédité pour la formation continue) en français
We continuously share our knowledge through regular publications and keep you up to date on regulations, legislation and initiatives relevant to you and your company's operations.
Newsletter Dezember 2024

Newsletter Dezember 2023

Newsletter Juni 2023

Newsletter Dezember 2022

Newsletter Dezember 2021

Newsletter Dezember 2020

Newsletter Dezember 2019

We are a competent and dynamic team, in an innovative and digital environment. We welcome applications from talented and team-oriented individuals at any time. If you are a born consultant looking for a new challenge, then get in touch with us!